In The Absence Of Air Resistance A Projectile Is Launched

In the absence of air resistance a projectile is launched – In the realm of physics, the study of projectile motion plays a pivotal role in understanding the trajectory of objects launched into the air. This article delves into the fascinating world of projectile motion in the absence of air resistance, providing a comprehensive analysis of its initial conditions, trajectory, range, height, time of flight, and practical applications.

As we embark on this exploration, we will uncover the fundamental principles governing projectile motion, unraveling the intricate relationship between launch angle, velocity, and height. Through detailed explanations, illustrative diagrams, and practical examples, we will shed light on the factors that shape the trajectory of a projectile and determine its range, height, and time of flight.

Initial Conditions

Resistance horizontal absence air projectile range launched given ground level

When a projectile is launched in the absence of air resistance, its initial conditions play a crucial role in determining its trajectory. These initial conditions include:

  • Launch angle (θ): The angle at which the projectile is launched relative to the horizontal.
  • Launch velocity (v): The initial speed of the projectile.
  • Launch height (h): The initial height of the projectile above the ground.

These initial conditions affect the projectile’s trajectory in the following ways:

  • Launch angle: The launch angle determines the shape of the trajectory. A projectile launched at a shallow angle will travel a greater horizontal distance than one launched at a steep angle.
  • Launch velocity: The launch velocity determines the range and height of the trajectory. A projectile launched with a higher velocity will travel a greater distance and reach a higher maximum height than one launched with a lower velocity.
  • Launch height: The launch height affects the maximum height reached by the projectile. A projectile launched from a higher height will reach a lower maximum height than one launched from a lower height.


In the absence of air resistance a projectile is launched

In the absence of air resistance, a projectile’s trajectory is a parabola. The shape of the parabola is determined by the projectile’s launch angle and velocity. A projectile launched at a shallow angle will travel a greater horizontal distance than one launched at a steep angle.

A projectile launched with a higher velocity will travel a greater distance and reach a higher maximum height than one launched with a lower velocity.

The trajectory of a projectile can be illustrated using a diagram. The diagram below shows the trajectory of a projectile launched at different angles.

Trajectory of a projectile launched at different angles

The factors that influence the shape and range of the trajectory include:

  • Launch angle
  • Launch velocity
  • Gravitational acceleration (g)

Range and Height: In The Absence Of Air Resistance A Projectile Is Launched

In the absence of air resistance a projectile is launched

The range of a projectile is the horizontal distance it travels before it hits the ground. The maximum height of a projectile is the highest point it reaches above the ground. The range and maximum height of a projectile can be calculated using the following formulas:

  • Range: R = v^2 – sin(2θ) / g
  • Maximum height: H = v^2 – sin^2(θ) / (2g)


  • v is the launch velocity
  • θ is the launch angle
  • g is the gravitational acceleration

The relationship between launch angle and range/height is as follows:

  • The range is maximized when the launch angle is 45 degrees.
  • The maximum height is maximized when the launch angle is 90 degrees.

Time of Flight

The time of flight of a projectile is the time it takes to travel from its launch point to the ground. The time of flight can be calculated using the following formula:

  • Time of flight: t = 2 – v – sin(θ) / g


  • v is the launch velocity
  • θ is the launch angle
  • g is the gravitational acceleration

The relationship between launch angle and time of flight is as follows:

  • The time of flight is maximized when the launch angle is 45 degrees.
  • The time of flight is minimized when the launch angle is 0 degrees or 90 degrees.


Projectile launched absence resistance air figure ground angle above solved

Understanding projectile motion in the absence of air resistance is important in a variety of practical applications, including:

  • Artillery: The principles of projectile motion are used to calculate the trajectory of artillery shells.
  • Sports: The principles of projectile motion are used to analyze the trajectory of sports balls, such as baseballs, footballs, and golf balls.
  • Space exploration: The principles of projectile motion are used to calculate the trajectory of spacecraft.

Popular Questions

What is the effect of air resistance on projectile motion?

Air resistance is a force that opposes the motion of an object moving through the air. It causes the object to decelerate and eventually reach a terminal velocity.

How does the launch angle affect the trajectory of a projectile?

The launch angle determines the shape and range of the projectile’s trajectory. A projectile launched at a 45-degree angle will have the maximum range, while a projectile launched at a 90-degree angle will have the maximum height.

What is the time of flight of a projectile?

The time of flight is the total time it takes for a projectile to travel from its launch point to its landing point. It is determined by the launch velocity, launch angle, and the acceleration due to gravity.

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